To generate more sales in future and appease their customers, retailers need to employ mobile channel marketing as consumers prefer receiving mobile coupons.
FREMONT, CA: Retailers must already know the range of channels like an app, email, and text the mobile marketing offers to appeal their customers because this is one of the easiest and preferred ways for them to receive and access offers or coupons received from mobile. The retailers that provide an omnichannel procedure on mobile have the chances of getting better and higher engagement.
The findings can maintain the necessities of the retailers to utilize every mobile channel that is available. Here are a few key findings that will guide retailers to increase consumer engagement along with offers generated by the retailers.
Consumers Value Coupons more than Special Events
If retailers want to increase their sales, then SMS can be the best move for them. The consumers were asked about the type of text messages from the retailers that will be valued more, most of them preferred the coupons, and mobile coupons were the top choices.
Email and text are the more favored communication channels
Promotional texts can be a popular method of communication, but still, there is extensive use of emails. Furthermore, email is the most favored process for the consumers than the text messages while receiving a coupon. However, there are high chances that the number can shift from email to text in the future, so the retailers have to be smart enough to make sure that the consumers have a choice on how they want to receive the mobile offers.
Consumers are prepared to share personal details for value
Every customer is concerned about the privacy and security of their data when it comes to dealing with things virtually, as privacy must be the priority. But for the same set of consumers, it becomes difficult to give-up high-value offers, and they are ready to exchange their valuable data for receiving the mobile coupons.
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