Why is Ethical AI Essential in Retail Marketing?

Why is Ethical AI Essential in Retail Marketing?

By: Retail CIO Outlook | Wednesday, August 26, 2020

It is important to address the ethical side of artificial intelligence so that the technology can be used for the betterment of the industry.

FREMONT, CA: There is no doubt that artificial intelligence (AI) opens up numerous possibilities for targeting, engaging, and converting potential consumers. However, with the power of enhancing businesses, there are also responsibilities, and the essential one is to be ethical. Since there is a lack of universal industry standards, it is up to the key vendors to make the tough decisions and apply a proper path for AI integration. To ensure that the company is installing AI ethically in marketing efforts, they must make sure to take the following steps.

Establish best practices 

The adoption of AI is still at a nascent stage due to which several companies lack strategic ideas while implementing it, and this can lead to ethical issues. To avoid this, organizations must ensure that they establish best practices beforehand to make sure AI works independently. It also includes having in-depth knowledge about how AI learns, the procedures it applies to prescribe tags to images and words, and how the data binds together to serve recommendations to the users.

Build diverse teams 

The organizations that imply AI need to make sure that it reflects the diversity of the users. The commitment to diversity and representation permits the humans behind the AI to come up with different outlooks and also ask relevant questions. Due to this policy, the AI solution will be ethically sound and remain as impartial as possible. It will also become easier to find the best solutions for users.

Reinforce learning

To create one of the best AI solutions, learning reinforcement is essential. By knowing reinforcement, developers can reward AI when its outcomes support a more ethical approach to data processing or when it self-corrects mistakes. It permits developers and marketers to teach the AI tool to be more ethical.

Be transparent

It is necessary to be open and honest about the usage of AI with the customers, and it means to answer the consumers regarding the technology. Any attempt to disclose the fact that a company is using AI can ruin the trust of the customers, but being transparent can create more business. 

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