Unveiling the Implications of Blockchain Innovation in the Retail...

Unveiling the Implications of Blockchain Innovation in the Retail Industry

By: Retail CIO Outlook | Tuesday, January 29, 2019

BlockchainThe blockchain technology continues to revolutionize the internal working of many industries, and some of its anticipated applications are finally bearing fruit now. The retail sector is young technology’s ripest targets, both in the context of its offerings towards the B2C and B2B users. The retail industry will soon witness how transformed it will be in the coming years, all thanks to the blockchain.

1. Payments

One of the primary and crucial benefits of the blockchain innovation is how it helps the payment systems. The technology supports the users to choose how they pay and which currency they use. Blockchain will soon help individuals with different currencies to complete the transaction procedure. With the seamless experience this innovation provides, it will also help businesses to avoid overhead costs by providing convenient, automatic, and costless currency exchange, which open doors to new customers.

Read more: Top Blockchain Companies

2. Logistics

Just as fractions of bitcoin are tracked on the digital shared system, it can also assist in the tracking of the physical items. This implies that blockchain has a tremendous impact on logistics within the retail sector.

The technology further helps to record data such as the temperature at each stage of shipment, to ensure the safety of the products at each step. Well, this technology promotes increased transparency and identifies if any item is damaged in the entire shipment process, which helps to reduce costs. Businesses who take advantage of such systems can save immensely. Each member of the supply chain is connected through a decentralized database which keeps a permanent record of data which is easily accessible.

3. Authentic

Authenticities of luxury brands have always been an issue for some businesses, with many convincing counterfeit substitutes available at a much lower price. Blockchain can help in tracking the data from the initial source to the end-user which will allow the customer to confirm the authenticity and know that their purchase is genuine; blockchain gives retail goods a valid identity.

This innovation is most useful for pharmaceutical companies, who have much to lose if a fake product makes its way onto shelves. With blockchain adoption, mobile devices can quickly label and sync items which make it difficult for any product to go missing or be replaced by any substitute; it stops the purchase of counterfeit products.

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