The Key Reasons behind Self-Ordered Kiosks 'Growing Popularity in...

The Key Reasons behind Self-Ordered Kiosks 'Growing Popularity in U.S. Restaurants

By: Retail CIO Outlook | Thursday, March 12, 2020

Restaurants in the U.S. are gradually started welcoming self-order kisoks for its wide range of benefits to both the customers and restaurants. One among several reasons behind this growing popularity is nothing but their ability to expedite the ordering process.

Fremont, CA: Self-order kiosks are booming in the U.S. One among the key reasons behind this growing popularity is nothing but their ability to expedite the ordering process. In a time of high competition, when e-commerce sites like Amazon offer one-day and same-day delivery, speed is everything. Kiosks increase the speed of service by enabling self-service for customers, eliminating the need for guests to recite their long list of items to employees.

Customers' Inclination towards Self-Service Kiosks

Last year’s Tillster's consumer research report revealed how much consumers prefer to use Self-Service Kiosks at restaurants, over 60 percent of customers would prefer visiting a restaurant that offers self-service kiosks. Kiosks not only provide customers with quick and easy ordering experiences but also enable restaurants to take advantage of the added upsell and cross-sell opportunities with increased choice-making capabilities. Also, many customers believe that this self-service technology has improved order accuracy.

Plenty of Benefits for Restaurant Brands

Besides customers, restaurants also receive plenty of benefits from self-service kiosks. They offer employees more valuable opportunities beyond operating the cash register. Those who work at the cash register can now focus on delivering better service experiences to customers, and simultaneously improving the perception of restaurant's brand by taking up other roles such as guest experience leads, delivering orders to tables, offering refills, and taking customers' feedback.

When it comes to placing a grand-size order, customers tend to feel more comfortable ordering through self-service. Therefore, restaurants can leverage customers' sense of freedom to choose and select more items, or personalize items with choice-making features to their advantage.

Kiosks can Increase Check Size

Kiosks are natural upsellers as they allow brands to showcase their order options for guests in a more relevant and suggestive manner, consequently boosting upsell and cross-sell opportunities. Kiosks can increase check size by up to 30 percent. For instance, when a customer tries to place an order through kiosk, restaurant brand can optimize the menu layout and ordering process to allow customers to customize their orders easily. Restaurants can also add additional items, feature and suggest items that customers are more likely to purchase depending on time of the day and their ordered items.

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