3 Types of POS Systems for Retail Business

3 Types of POS Systems for Retail Business

By: Katie William, Retail CIO Outlook | Tuesday, January 05, 2021

One platform to manage and monitor stock levels, pricing, customers, and other crucial data is essential in today’s retail environment.

FREMONT, CA: The world has certainly come a long way from the simple cash registers and hand-written ledgers of the previous time. These days, no matter what brands are selling or where they are selling it from, there’s a sophisticated point of sale system to help. Here is a look at the various types of POS systems available for retail businesses today.

• Counter-based Point of Sale Systems

There is reassurance and ritual to taking items to a store’s counter for payment. So the conventional payment terminal POS system is about to disappear any time soon. For retailers, their setup consists of a PC or Laptop, POS software, barcode scanners, cash drawer, and receipt printers. The POS software should be powered to suggest up-selling and cross-selling options for the staff and in-depth reports on sales and stock so users can adapt to demand appropriately. Cloud-based software will allow adding new payment terminals with ease and giving up-to-date, live information on inventory, logistics, and sales.

• Mobile Point of Sales Systems

Counter terminals are still important for most stores, but retailers no longer require to be tethered by wires. With flexible mobile POS systems, it’s easy to set up a mobile system that links directly to the true inventory and updates data in real-time. The staff can approach customers on the shopfloor and make the sale directly. They can show products and access pricing while they are with the customer.

• Online Point of Sale

Today’s online shoppers hope to get the same service level and experience to what they get in-store. The more consistent, seamless, and valuable one can make the eCommerce store & checkout process, the better chance brands can convert interest into sales. Opting for an eCommerce platform that integrates mobile responsive design, reporting, logistics, and inventory will ensure that the online store is seamless to operate and manage.

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