The more retailers work to keep their POS secure, the more they will use it to ensure productivity.
FREMONT, CA: Security is the major issue that retailers must consider when selecting a POS. A commonly overlooked POS security is limiting access to certain features to specific employees. With a trusted team, most retailers wouldn’t think that someone would take advantage of their POS system, and as an outcome, may not prioritize security. However, there are several reasons why POS security is extremely important. Among all POS security analysis, auditing employees is of utmost importance, as employee theft is a problem that affects every industry. No industry is immune to this fact. Fortunately, there are solutions to remediate this challenge. Read on to know more.
• Tracking Inventory Data
Non-cash employee theft is handled with an inventory solution. Retail products have UPCs or other tracking numbers scanned or keyed in at the point of sale. Automatic inventory reductions take place, enabling them to compare what products the stores have in stock with the accurate number of product sales. With the real-time updates, retailers can keep a close watch on the employee shifts in which products have disappeared.
• Audit Trails on Product Sales
Product discounts and markdowns are among common employee threats. Employees may provide special, unapproved discounts on merchandise that is purchased by themselves or by their friends. The point-of-sale software platforms are not simply registered and inventory tools. The platform offers scheduled promotions, promotions connected to customer accounts, and smart coupons that can reduce or remove options for employees to offer discounts to customers. Also, if a discount button is needed, every discount button has a permission level so that stores can decide which employees have permission to provide that discount.
• Alerting to Fraud
POS security solutions can alert retailers to fraud through text messages, e-mails, or in-program alerts when certain instances occur at POS. Retailers can be notified at anytime a product discount is given or a refund takes place. If the store manager suspects a specific employee, he can set alerts to those employees' actions.
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