Technology Magazine For Retail | Retail CIO Outlook

Matahari Department Store

Sreekanth Chetlur, Head Of E-Commerce & Omni Channel, Pt Matahari Department Store Tbk

Serving Soldiers and Airmen - Online and Around the World

Phil Stevens, CAO & CIO, Army & Air Force Exchange Service

Data Analytics: New Edge for Success

Colin Boyd, VP and CIO, Joy Global [NYSE-JOY]

Transforming Our Customer Experience through an Omni-channel Lens

Gary Aliff, Senior Director, Salesforce Practice and Delivery Lead, Gap Inc. [NYSE:GPS]

The Big Mistake Department Stores Make with Their Online Services

Brad Bernstein, SVP of North American Sales, Nanorep

The Big Mistake Department Stores Make with Their Online Services

​No question, the growth of e-commerce has completely changed the game for retail customer service.

Ways to Take Friction Out of Cross-border Transfers

David Thompson, EVP, Global Operations and Technology, CTO & CIO, Western Union

Ways to Take Friction Out of Cross-border Transfers

There are a few core trends that I see resonating across the industry; all have to do with providing ease and convenience for the customer and the capability to move money in minutes.

Amazon Effect: Driving New Opportunities and Challenges in Demand Forecasting

Eric Wilson, Director Planning, Escalade Sports

Prediction is becoming more about behavior than history.

Optimizing a 360-degree Customer View Begins with Vision

Michael Wilburn, Senior Director, Global CRM Technology at Ancestry

Optimizing a 360-degree Customer View Begins with Vision

What is preventing organizations from truly optimizing their 360-degree view of the customer? I’ll give you a hint - it’s not technology.

The Ever-Changing Retail Environment

Vlad Yakubson, Head of Retail, Retail Apparel Group

The Ever-Changing Retail Environment

The key to all the analytics, AI and future technology is the “how” to apply them in a personal way to relate best to the consumer.

The 360-Degree View Must Be Definitive

Lauren Freedman, SVP Digital Strategy/Chief Merchant, Astound Commerce

The 360-Degree View Must Be Definitive

The competitive landscape is challenging and knowing one’s customer may be more important than ever before.

The IT Factor for Powering Your Paid Search Investments

Mark Digman, CMO, ROI Revolution

The IT Factor for Powering Your Paid Search Investments

Of all the digital marketing avenues available to the modern retailer, paid search provides opportunity for scalable, ROI-driven campaigns like few others.

Gaining 360 Degree View of Consumers

Sahal Laher, SVP, Chief Digital & Information Officer, Destination XL Group, Inc. [NASDAQ: DXLG]

Gaining 360 Degree View of Consumers

Retailers have to integrate data across the retail enterprise to have a 360 degree view of the customer, but it’s not an easy thing to do.

Mobisoft: Streamlining B2B E-Commerce at Fingertips

Matan Holander, VP Business Development

Mobisoft: Streamlining B2B E-Commerce at Fingertips

Business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce has evolved at multiple levels. Evidently, understanding the unique purchasing preferences of the modern day buyers have become increasingly critical to the long-term growth of B2B merchants.

Gain an Edge or Get Edged Out

Nick East, VP, and Andrew Hoyt CTO & VP Engineering, NCR Retail

Gain an Edge or Get Edged Out

How retailers can better leverage edge solutions to maximize in-store data

The Battle of David & Goliath Within the Retail Landscape

Vlad Yakubson, Head of Retail, yd.

There are not many days in the calendar year without some new ground-breaking technology entering and disturbing the retail marketplace. It certainly can not be easy for either the big brands or the few small business retailers left around

Building A Great Team Equals Achieving Great Outcomes

Rohan Penman, Head of Technology, Adairs Retail Group

Building A Great Team Equals Achieving Great Outcomes

There is often nothing more time consuming than constantly ‘on-boarding’ other people’s team members on a project.

Transforming Retail with Social, Mobile and Analytics

Michael Mothner, CEO, Wpromote

Transforming Retail with Social, Mobile and Analytics

A holistic 360 degree view of the customer requires insight into the marketing data.

Retail Is Detail They Say

Stuart Freer, Chief Digital Officer, MECCA Brands

Retail Is Detail They Say

The problem with this statement, is that whilst it’s important to be in the detail, know everything about your business, it’s products and services and the customer, it often leads to what I have seen; analysis paralysis.

Comparison between MEAN and RNG Stack

Advait Kulkarni, Former IT Director, Cetera Financial Group & CTO, Digistic LLC

Comparison between MEAN and RNG Stack

In recent days, there has been a lot of discussion around comparison of MEAN (MongoDB, Express, AngularJS and Node) and RNG (ReactJS, NextJS and GraphQL) stacks.

Driving Competitive Advantage for Kmart Group Through Advanced Analytics, Machine Learning and AI

Michael Fagan, Chief Technology Officer, Kmart Australia

Driving Competitive Advantage for Kmart Group Through Advanced Analytics, Machine Learning and AI

When Adapt surveyed more than 100 Australian CIOs in 2019 there were some interesting, if not surprising, results. More than 50 per cent believed they had too much data making it unwieldy and difficult to analyse, nearly 60 per cent